Seasonal Cleanup

Seasonal Cleanup In Monument, Colorado Springs & Denver

Welcome to AD Lawn And Landscape, Colorado’s leading lawn and landscape provider, dedicated to transforming your outdoor spaces into breathtaking landscapes that reflect the beauty and vigor of our local environment.

Based in Monument but serving Colorado Springs and South Denver, we understand the unique challenges and opportunities that our climate and geography present. Our team of seasoned experts is committed to offering personalized solutions that ensure your landscape adds beauty and functionality throughout the seasons.

Get A Price Quote Now!

If you’re serious about having the best-looking and healthiest lawn in your neighborhood, give us a call today for a free and friendly service quote.

Experienced Monument Landscape Specialist

We have been caring for and maintaining lawns and landscapes in Monument Colorado, Colorado Springs and Denver for years. We know the climate and we know lawns!

We've been caring for Colorado Lawns For 10 years!

No newbies here! Our years of experience with Colorado lawns is translated directly into a beautiful lawn that you can be proud of. Don’t let your lawn be the experiment of another lawn care company! Go with the pros, go with AD Lawn And Landscape.

Only the Best!

Our experienced lawn care estimator will come to your home, assess your lawn and your expectations, then offer you a free, no-obligation service quote.

Only The Best Materials

Our ultimate goal is to make you happy with your lawn. That’s why every lawn service we offer is tailored to each individual lawn we care for. There’s no one-size-fits-all approach here!

Only The Best Personnel

At AD Lawn And Landscape out lawn care team is made up of only the most experienced and caring people available. We genuinely love lawn care, and our people show this love every day!

Only The Best Equipment

We use the best equipment money can buy to ensure your lawn looks its best at all times! We don’t try to save a few cents here and there with sub-par lawn care equipment. Modern, well-engineered and safe lawn care equipment is all we use, to give your lawn that special, well-cared-for look!

Seasonal Cleanup For A Beautiful Property

Seasonal cleanup is preparing outdoor spaces for the upcoming season, ensuring they are clean, healthy, and aesthetically pleasing.

Seasonal Cleanup services are critical for the maintenance of both residential and commercial properties, contributing significantly to their curb appeal and the overall health of the landscape.

The specific tasks involved can vary based on the season—spring, summer, fall, or winter—and the geographical location of the property. Here, we delve into the details of seasonal cleanup tasks typically offered by landscaping companies across different seasons.

Spring Cleanup – Spring Seasonal Cleanup

Spring cleanup is essential for rejuvenating the landscape after the winter months. It prepares the ground for new growth and can significantly impact the appearance and health of the property throughout the growing season. Common tasks include:

  • Removing Debris: This involves clearing away leaves, branches, and other debris that have accumulated over the winter. It’s crucial for preventing mold and disease in the lawn and garden beds.
  • Pruning and Trimming: Early spring is often the best time to prune most plants, as it helps to promote healthy growth. Dead or diseased branches are removed to improve the plant’s overall structure and vigor.
  • Mulching: Applying a fresh layer of mulch helps to retain soil moisture, regulate soil temperature, and suppress weed growth. It also gives the landscape a neat, unified appearance.
  • Lawn Care: This includes aerating the soil to improve oxygen and nutrient flow, applying fertilizer to promote healthy growth, and overseeding to fill in bare patches in the lawn.
  • Edging Beds: Defining the edges of garden beds against lawns or pathways helps to maintain a tidy appearance and prevent grass from encroaching into the beds.

Summer Cleanup

Summer maintenance focuses on sustaining the landscape’s health and appearance during the hottest part ofseasonal cleanup the year. Activities may include:

  • Weed Control: Regular weeding is necessary to prevent weeds from competing with desirable plants for nutrients and water.
  • Pest and Disease Management: Monitoring and treating for pests and diseases helps protect the health of the landscape.
  • Pruning: Some plants benefit from a summer prune to encourage new growth or to maintain shape.
  • Irrigation Management: Adjusting irrigation systems to ensure that plants receive adequate water without wastage is crucial during the dry summer months.

Fall Cleanup

Fall cleanup prepares the landscape for the winter, helping to protect plants and hardscape features from damage. Key tasks include:

  • Leaf Removal: Fallen leaves are collected and removed or composted to prevent them from smothering the grass.
  • Perennial Care: Cutting back dead foliage on perennials and covering delicate plants with mulch can help them survive the winter.
  • Winterization of Irrigation Systems: Irrigation systems are drained and shut off to prevent freeze damage.
  • Planting Bulbs: Fall is the time to plant spring-flowering bulbs such as tulips and daffodils.

Winter Cleanup & Snow Removal

In regions where winter brings snow and ice, winter cleanup services are geared towards safety and accessibility, including:

  • Snow Removal: Clearing snow from driveways, walkways, and parking lots is essential for safety.
  • De-icing: Applying de-icing agents helps prevent slip-and-fall accidents.
  • Winter Pruning: Some plants benefit from pruning in late winter, just before the spring growth starts.

In conclusion, seasonal cleanup services by landscaping companies play a pivotal role in maintaining and enhancing the aesthetic appeal and health of landscapes. By tailoring their services to the needs of each season, these companies help ensure that landscapes are not only beautiful but also sustainable and resilient throughout the year.